Travel Africa is produced by a small team, and most of our content is provided by freelance contributors. We welcome submissions by established professionals, and we like to support and encourage new writers and photographers. We also have a section specially for sharing stories and photos from our readers.
With only four magazines a year and such a wide subject to cover, opportunities for publication in Travel Africa are, sadly, limited. Some additional content is occasionally published online or in newsletters.
If you would like to submit a proposal for our consideration, please email, ensuring your submission includes:
- A concise summary of your proposed subject
- A suggested word count
- Proposed submission date, including dates of travel if relevant
- A brief synopsis of your writing experience, areas of interest and writing style
- A link to sample photographs, or low-resolution images as attachments
- Opportunities to get published are limited, so the more relevant you can make your proposal, the better. It helps tremendously if you have researched the magazine and can suggest articles for particular sections.
- Check out the magazine to avoid proposing subjects similar to articles we have run in recent issues (ie in the last year). We’re highly unlikely to revisit the same destination again too quickly.
- Customise your proposal for our readership
- If you can give examples of your writing style, that helps. The more we can get to know you the better.
Response / feedback
We tend to review our editorial schedule every three months, and so it is very seldom that we will be able to give a quick response to your proposal. Please dig in and be patient with us.
While we try and acknowledge receipt of all submissions, if we are particularly busy we may take a while to respond. If you do not hear from us quickly and positively, please don’t take that as a lack of interest: we are always interested in all suggestions, but not always able to review editorial correspondence as efficiently as we would like.
Commissioning and terms
If we agree to use your idea, we may wish to adapt your initial proposal, but will discuss it with you to refine a brief.
At the time of commissioning, we will confirm which issue it will run in, a required word count and the fee payable.
For photographs we will agree fees per image, depending on the size used, or a batch rate.
We commission text on a flat fee basis, not per word.
If your submission is well over the agreed ballpark length, we reserve the right to return it to you for rewriting or even to cancel the commission, without payment.
We pay on publication. A statement of usage will be provided at the time, confirming the agreed fees and giving you invoicing instructions.
Unless stated otherwise, your work will be published in Travel Africa magazine (print and digital versions) and may also be published online or in newsletters.
We ask that work commissioned by Travel Africa is not offered to any other publication.